The Crucible is a place where people can be killed for their beliefs. It’s also a place where the death of one person can mean the end of an entire sect. To clean the Crucible, you must first understand its history. The Crucible was built to kill those who didn’t agree with the sect’s beliefs. It’s also said that it was built in order to create a new world order. To clean the Crucible, you must first find and kill those who built it. You can do this by going to different parts of the Crucible and killing anyone who has been responsible for its construction or use. You can also find and kill those who have used it in the past. Once you’ve killed everyone responsible for the Crucible, you must take it down completely. This means destroying all of its components, including its foundation and any machines that may have been used to build it. This will take many hours, but it will be worth it in the end.