Android users have long been accustomed to using the back and forward buttons on their devices to navigate through webpages and other content. But what if you want to clear all of the tabs open on your Android device? There are a few different ways to do this. The easiest way is to use the Android home screen. Swipe left from the main screen and tap on “All apps.” From here, you can swipe left again and tap on “Tabs.” You’ll see all of the open tabs, as well as any new tabs that have been opened since you last used this feature. Tap on any tab you want to clear, and then press the back button or tap on “Clear all” at the bottom of the screen. If you don’t want to use the home screen, there are also a few other methods available. One option is to open up a new tab in your web browser and then press and hold down on one of the open tabs until it starts shaking (this will let you select all of the tabs). You can then press “Clear all” at the bottom of this window or use your device’s back button to exit out of it. Whatever method you choose, be sure to clear out any open tabs so that you can start fresh with your browsing experience. ..