If you’re like most people, you probably have a PlayStation 4 sitting around somewhere. But if you don’t have a way to play through your PlayStation 4’s headphones and TV, then you’re out of luck. Luckily, there are a few ways to get your PlayStation 4 to work with headphones and TV. The first is to connect the PlayStation 4’s headphone jack to your TV. The second is to use an adaptor cable. The third is to use an external hard drive that has a PS4 game disc inside it. And the fourth is to use an HDMI cable from your TV to the PlayStation 4’s HDMI port. The last way is the easiest and most common way: just buy a PS4 game disc and insert it into the game console’s internal storage. Once you’ve inserted the game disc, press the power button on your console for about 10 seconds so that it turns off and then plug in your headphones or TV. Now you can play any PS4 games without having to worry about connecting them separately!