If you find yourself stranded with a car that’s parked in a tight spot, don’t panic. There are several easy ways to move the car without using the keys. The first step is to assess the situation. Is the car in a spot where it can be moved without damaging anything? If so, you can try one of the following methods:

  1. Use your body weight to push against the car from the front or back. If you’re strong enough, you may be able to move it without using any tools. Be careful not to damage the car or yourself in the process!
  2. Use a tow truck or another vehicle to pull the car out. Make sure to get permission from whoever owns the property before starting this process.
  3. Use a cable or rope to tie one end of the cable around one of the car’s wheels and tie the other end to something sturdy nearby, like a post or tree trunk. Then use your other hand to pull on the cable until it tightens and pullsthe wheel off ofthe ground. This method is best used if you have access to a lot of space and can safely maneuver around traffic while performing this task. ..