If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of patterns saved in your Illustrator file. But if you want to change the color of one of them, it can be a bit of a pain to go through each pattern and find the color swatch you need. Luckily, there’s an easy way to recolor any pattern in Illustrator without having to search for it. All you need is the Pattern Stamp tool and some basic knowledge about Illustrator’s color palette. To recolor a pattern in Illustrator, first open the pattern file that you want to change colors for and select the Pattern Stamp tool from the toolbar. Next, click on the area of your design that you want to apply the new color to and drag your cursor over the desired color swatch in your design. When your cursor is over the swatch, release it so that Pattern Stamp applies the new color to the selected area. If you’d like to change more than one color at once, simply hold down Shift while clicking on additional swatches with your cursor. This will automatically fill in all selected areas with the new colors. Once you’ve finished changing all of the colors in your pattern, simply save your file and enjoy your new look! ..