There are a lot of ways to remove patterns from Photoshop, but one of the most common is to use the Pattern tool. The Pattern tool is a great way to remove any repeating patterns from images. You can use the Pattern tool to remove any type of pattern, including text, logos, and icons. To use the Pattern tool, first select the object you want to remove the pattern from. Then click on the Pattern button. The Pattern dialog will appear. In this dialog, you can choose how many repeats you want to see in your pattern. You can also choose how wide your pattern should be. If you want your pattern to be visible on all sides of your object, then select “All.” If you only want some of your pattern to be visible, then select “None.” Once you’ve selected how many repeats and how wide your pattern should be, click on OK. ThePattern dialog will close and Photoshop will start removing the patterns in your image.