If you’ve ever tried to remove shoe polish from car windows, you know it’s not easy. The polish is thick and stubborn, and it takes a lot of elbow grease to get it off. Here are four tips for removing shoe polish from car windows:

  1. Use a hairdryer. If the polish is really stubborn, try using a hairdryer. The heat will loosen the polish and make it easier to remove.
  2. Use a cloth or paper towel. If the polish is just a little bit stubborn, try using a cloth or paper towel instead of your hands. This will help avoid fingerprints and other marks on the window that will show up in photos or videos later on.
  3. Use boiling water. If boiling water doesn’t work, try using cold water instead. Boiling water will cause the polish to crack and become easier to remove.
  4. Use acetone or nail-polish remover. If all else fails, use acetone or nail-polish remover to clean the window surface and remove any remaining residue from the shoe polish ..