When you’re starting out in Illustrator, it’s a good idea to get familiar with the different tools that are available. This way, when you need to select text, you’ll know what to do. There are three main types of selection tools in Illustrator: points, lines, and shapes. Points are the simplest type of selection tool and they work just like a pointillist painting. You drag a point over the text you want to select and it will automatically fill in the area around it. Lines are more complex than points and can be used to selections as well as shapes. A line can be drawn from one end of the text to the other or it can be drawn between two points on the same line. Shapes can be used to create basic rectangles or ellipses. They work just like circles or squares but they have a specific shape that you can control before drawing them. When selecting text with any of these selection tools, make sure that your cursor is at the beginning or end of the text and then use one of the following methods: left-click on one end of the line and then drag it towards the other end; right-click on one end of a shape and then drag it towards another; or use arrow keys (left-right) to move your cursor around within a shape.