If you are like most people, you probably have music stored on your Android phone and computer. Whether you have an Android phone or a desktop computer, music can be transferred between the two devices easily. However, if you want to transfer music from your Android phone to your iPhone without using a computer, there are a few steps that you need to take. First, make sure that your Android phone is connected to the internet. This will allow you to download the necessary software and files needed to transfer music from your Android phone to your iPhone. Once your Android phone is connected to the internet, open up the Google Play Store and search for “transfer music from android to iphone.” Once found, click on the link and follow the instructions onscreen. Once everything has been installed and configured correctly, it’s time to transfer music from your Android phone to your iPhone. To do this, open up iTunes on your desktop computer and click on the “Music” tab. Under “Library,” locate and select the folder where you stored all of yourAndroid music. Click on “Copy” and paste it into iTunes so that it will copy all of the files into this new location. Now click on “Paste” again and select all of the files that were copied over in iTunes so that they will be included in the transfer process. Once everything has been transferred successfully, check out your iPhone’s Music app and enjoy listening to all of your old songs again!