If you’re like most people, you probably use split screen on occasion to watch two videos at the same time or to take a break from your work. Split screen is a great way to multitask and can be really helpful when you need to focus on one task while another is running in the background. However, if you’re not careful, splitting screen can also cause problems. For example, if one video is running in the foreground and the other is paused, it can be difficult to move or resize the window so that both videos are visible. To fix this problem, you first need to understand how split screen works and then set up your environment so that it’s safe for using split screen. Here’s how:

  1. Open Settings and select “Split Screen.” This will open a new window that will allow you to control how splitscreen works. You can choose whether each video is run in its own window or they are combined into one big window. If you combine videos into one big window, it will also make it easier to resize the windows so that both videos are visible.
  2. In the “Split Screen” section of this window, set up your environment as follows: (optional) If you want each video to start automatically when they’re connected (a common feature of many Android devices), add an entry for “Auto Start” under “Video Type.” This will make sure that when either video starts up, it will be in its own window rather than combined with another video. (optional) If you want each video to start automatically when they’re connected (a common feature of many Android devices), add an entry for “Auto Start” under “Video Type.” This will make sure that when either video starts up, it will be in its own window rather than combined with another video. (optional) If both videos are started manually by hitting their